A Story of Strategy and Focus
Imagine this: A father, in a galaxy far, far away, tells his son, “Son, you’re going to marry the girl I’ve chosen for you.” The son, a millennial, responds, “No way, Dad, you’re crazy!” But when the father reveals that the girl is Bill Gates’ daughter, the son quickly changes his tune.
The father then calls up Bill Gates, proposing the marriage between their children. Bill Gates initially refuses, but when the father mentions that his son is the CEO of the World Bank and soon-to-be president, Gates agrees to discuss the details.
Next, the father contacts the president of the World Bank, insisting that his son be made CEO. The president dismisses him as crazy, but when the father mentions that his son is Bill Gates’s son-in-law, the president agrees to arrange everything.
The Power of Affiliate Marketing
This story, while humorous, illustrates the power of strategy, focus, and the ability to leverage relationships and opportunities. It’s a perfect metaphor for affiliate marketing.
In affiliate marketing, just like in our story, it doesn’t matter how big or audacious your dream is. What matters is focusing on one thing at a time. All successful marketers in the Internet Marketing (IM) space do exactly that. They don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Instead, they follow proven strategies until they master them. Only then do they explore new opportunities to expand their positions.
The Importance of Focus
It’s easy to get sidetracked in our ever-evolving industry. But to maintain focus, you need to learn the skills within one system, take action, and follow through on your “oneness.” Remember, imperfect action is better than no action and wins every time.
Affiliate marketing is all about promoting and selling other people’s products and services. It’s a singular activity, and it’s an industry that’s expanding exponentially as more businesses recognize it as a viable way to gain and grow market share.
Creating Value in a Sunrise Industry
Like all businesses, affiliate marketing is about mutual benefit. It’s about solving people’s problems and getting paid for it. As marketers, we’re at the apex, the pivotal point between the seller and the buyer.
The father in our story had a vision, a focus, and defined outcomes. He knew what he was about. Do you?
Shifting from Buyer to Seller Mindset
One of the hardest transitions to make in this industry is shifting from a buyer’s to a seller’s mindset. It takes time to ingrain this into your being. Once we cross that bridge, things start to fall into place. We can start creating our vision, focusing, and getting our game plan together. More importantly, we start taking action to achieve our outcomes.
It’s Not About You
One of the biggest traps marketers can fall into is thinking that the game is all about them. But one of the pivotal realizations can be that it’s not about you. When we change our focus to include the product creators and service providers, it can create a seismic shift in our whole marketing strategy.
Stay Focused
The most important thing as marketers is that we stay focused on one thing and one thing at a time. That in itself can be a game changer.
As for the wedding in our story? Don’t worry, the invitations are in the mail.