Here are the literary treasures that I wholeheartedly endorse for all solopreneurs to delve into before embarking on their online business voyage.
As the renowned author, Dr. Seuss once said,
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Let these books be your guide and your inspiration as you navigate the thrilling waters of online entrepreneurship.
Immerse yourself in these pages, and let joy fill your reading journey.
These are the books that I recommend to all Solopreneurs to read before going into starting an online business.
Happy reading.

Start Late, Finish Rich – Canadian Edition
This book main message is that is never too late to get in the game of quitting your 9 to 5 routine by being proactive. Getting your financial situation in order so that you can start investing in your future the right way. This book taught me to put my finances in order. Because before you start making money online you have to put your finances in order, that a priority. Becoming your own BOSS with eBay, with Direct Selling (I will tell you about the Only Direct Selling Company I work with, HERE) and getting involved in the Real Estate Business.

Think & Grow Rich
This book a classic. I read this book and reread it again and again. This book literally gives you wings. This extraordinary book is a must for any Solopreneur.
I am a huge fan of Timothy Ferriss and cannot recommend his books enough! His works have helped me improve in so many ways. The way I work, the way I eat & train. His tips and tricks have helped me hack my mind and body for the better! An excellent read for all Solopreneurs!
I have read his 3 books in that order:

The 4 Hour Workweek
This book is the plan to work less and live better. Cut half of your working hours and double your income. This book is about how to better manage your time to live life as it should be lived. Have fun every day.

The 4-Hour Body
In this work of Art. I learn how cold showers can help boost my testosterone level.
How to lose body fat with just a bag of ice.
This book over-deliver, no stones are left unturned.
Follow what this book said and you will hack your body inside 6 months. *Results may differ from one individual to another.

The 4-Hour Chef
This book teaches more than how to cook. This book teaches you how to relearn and be more efficient with the task at hand.
Great Book, I personally recommend this book if you are not the typical learner.

Get rich click: The ultimate guide to making money on the internet
If you think you have missed the boat in terms of making money online. Be reassured. Marc Ostrofsky brings you back to earth with ways (over a hundred) to earn money with sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. With this book, you can take control of your financial future.

Chronic Marketer: Confessions Of A Half-Baked (But Highly Paid) Internet Marketer
This book is about you embracing your laziness, create a fully automated business, change the rules in your favor and so on. This book was written for those who want to work less and spend more time playing video games, going to the spa or completely do nothing in their entire day and still see their bank accounts grow. This book is candy for the entrepreneurial spirit.