Category Archives: Life

God created the universe in 7 days – What can you do in 7 days?

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Its not that I want to be too religious or spiritual, here. But I just want to put things in perspective. In the Christian religion, it is said that God took 7 days to create all that exist. In one week He did an amazing job, wouldn’t you agree?  He didn’t rush to do everything in one day. He took the time to do it right by allowing Him to do certain things for each of those 7 days. This is something that all webentrepreneurs should take into consideration.

One week, 7 days, 168 hours,  10 080 minutes,  604 800 seconds that all it took for the Almighty to do the job. You as a person who want to live the nice life, who want more than the average worker, who want more money and a better lifestyle what can you do in one week?

Well, if you don’t know the answer, I’ll give it to you. For you to have a nice quality of life, earn more than someone who trade time for money and want it for the sake of your lifetime on this planet. Here the answer: start an online business.

To get what you want out of life. You have to take control of your life. Meaning that you got to be your own boss. No one should tell you when you start and when to stop. You shouldn’t have to ask for a permission to take a vacation or the right to get a raise. If you want more money go out there and take it. There is no shortage of money in this world. There a market for everything and anything.

To be your own boss you have to be in business, the online business that is. Trust me, you can start your online business without prior experience. You can earn while you learn the ropes. You can do this and change your lifestyle for the better.

Here’s the two big problems you are facing, you don’t know where and how to start an online business. Lucky for you I also got the answer to those issues.

Where to start an online business:

How to start an online business: with the free Starter membership also find at

Let’s take a look at what God did for each day of the week. And look at what you can do to run your own business on the web with the help of WA.

Day 1:

God created the heavens and earth. Plus He separated the light from the darkness.

On your first day of starting a new life. What you can do is joins at no cost without you giving your credit card information. Creating a profile and adding your picture should be your first task. Once that is done, introduce yourself to the community. Share with us what drove you to this group of webentrepreneurs. And then, start learning how you can make money online. Choose a niche in which you are ready to invest your time and efforts.

Day 2:

God created the sky.

Building your website by choosing a domain name and setting it up with a WordPress theme shouldn’t take you all day and you can change your theme whenever you feel to do so.

Day 3:

God created dry land and plants.

On this day you can get your site ready for SEO by using a WordPress plugin call All in One SEO. But a lot of members like to use the Yoast plugin. The two of them work great but in the future if you feel like switching up there a tutorial to help you out.

Day 4:

God created all stars and the heavenly bodies that are the sun and the moon.

Here you start your keywords research to give you content ideas. To help you with this task you have access to Jaaxy, the only keyword platform that you need. You will get a total of 30 searches after that you will have to sign for a premium account with Jaaxy.

Day 5:

God created all life that lives in the water, the birds and insects.

You can now create your About Me page, to lets your website visitors (and future clients) know what you are about and what you can do to help them solve their problems. The privacy policy page is to save you from any legal lawsuit that can take place if you didn’t have this page on your website. All legitimate website have a privacy policy page and you should too. And one category page related to your website niche.

Day 6:

God created Man in His image.

On this day you can now create quality content for your website. The more you write the better you will become. We only get better with practice. Your website with time will become a reflection of yourself. Like that your visitor will get to know you, like you and then trust you. From that you will be able to monetize your efforts.

Day 7:

God rest.

On the final day, you should look back at the 6 days that went by and look at what you have accomplish. Not everything will be perfect but you can always improve what you have done so far. That’s the beauty of being a webentrepreneur, you can always get better at what you do, but only if you’re passionate about it.

In one week God created what we now call the universe. In one week you can start an online business that will increase and eventually replace your actual source of income. And you can start now free of charge.

Before you start and sign up for a free Starter Membership at I would strongly recommend that you plan the week ahead. I know that you have responsibilities, but remember why you want to do this. What motivate you to get on board of the webentrepreneur wagon. When you figure this out keep it in mind for the time you will want to give up.

At when you sign up, you will get access to, 2 websites that include website backup plus beginner training course plus a personal affiliate blog. You also get the phase 1 of the affiliate bootcamp training and video walk-throughs. 30 searches with the best keywords research platform that is Jaaxy. And for the first 7 days you can get live help and 1 on 1 coaching. That the best you can get for free when you are getting started.

Remember that at any given moment when you are stuck and don’t know what to do next. You have the community of like-minded individuals that only want to help you succeed. So you can get the answer of your question inside 4 minutes.

Feel free to ask me any question you may have by leaving a comment below. To your success!

All successful webentreprenneurs wake up early, its a well-known fact

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The sunrise is a beautiful sight that Mother Nature offer us every morning and everyone should attend. 

If you are a webentrepreneur and if you seek success. Your first task should be, to wake up early, everyday. The early bird get the worm. If you don’t understand the meaning of that sentence you got a lot to learn. For those of you who do understand the meaning of that sentence and are struggling to wake up early I will share with you in a moment my trick to become a morning person.

But first, lets look at the benefits of waking up early. You already know that we have a set of hours in the day. It’s the same for everybody, 24 hours. Out of those 24 hours its very important that you manage your time so you can do what got to be done, correctly.

Benefit #1

As a webentrepreneur there are things that you need to learn to be able to execute them and get to the next level. He as being proven that students who are morning people earn better grade than other students. By waking up early, you have an edge over others webentrepreneurs to earn knowledge and apply it to your business and move on.

Benefit #2

By being an early riser, you become more proactive. Meaning that you take action and this is very important. They are so many people who doesn’t take action who just wait for something to happen and missed opportunities that they later regret. Getting up early also give you a sense of being in charge of your future.

Benefit #3

Webentrepreneurs who wake up with the sun, are able to face problems with a good attitude. Lets face it, problems will occurs during your journey, no doubts about that. But with the right mindset you can overcome them efficiently.

Benefit #4

During the quiet time of the morning, you can plan your day, your week and weekend. Organization demand quality quiet time, so you can plan which goal you need to reach first.

Benefit #5

You can exercise. Many people don’t exercise and their excuses is that they don’t have enough time to do it. Business people who exercise find themselves being more productive during the day and are more pleasant to be around.

Benefit #6

You become more optimistic. And this is a key factor in many cases of people who experience success. Being positive and hopeful give you an advantage on people who are pessimistic.

Benefit #7

By being an early riser, you will experience much better quality sleep. Its not the quantity but the quality of a good night sleep that is important and most people don’t need more than 6 hours of sleep to be efficient during the day.

Now that you know the benefits of waking up early for a webentrepreneur, let’s look at ways you can become a morning person for the sake of your business.

If you are a little intuitive, you probably know that what I am going to tell you is that to be an early riser you have to have a good night sleep and in order to do that you have to go to bed early. Reading a book before going to bed can help you have a good night sleep but no reading tablet or smartphone or even TV before bedtime.

But when the morning is knocking on the door…

To avoid the snooze syndrome, which is to hit the alarm clock every ten minutes, put the alarm clock across your room so that you will have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you are out of bed go directly to the bathroom and put some cold water of your face. This will help you to wake up. Meditate for 5 minutes can help develop focus. Start the day with a coffee, I take mine black, no sugar no milk.

Well this is it for this post, I hope that for now on you will be more likely to become a morning person. Enjoy your journey as a webentrepreneur and have success.

If you like this article, please share it with someone you know.

Where to find a mentor for your online business?

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When its come to starting an online business for beginners, at your first steps, you will soon realize that you’ll need some help. And who can’t afford some help when it come to starting an online business? Because, I know that you want to do things the right way, at the beginning. First, you got to start with the right mindset, very important. Every webentrepreneurs that succeeded have this in commons: a successful mindset. Right from the start, webentrepreneurs had a goal. They didn’t know how to get where they wanted to go, which is Success Island, but with a successful mindset their journey was more fun then painful.

But to get help, you’ll need to ask the help of someone who had success at an online business before. You’ll need the help of a mentor.

What’s a mentor?

By definition, a mentor is someone in whom you can put you trust in and learn from is wisdom.

On the online world you will find a lot of so called Gurus, who claimed that they find a loophole or design a program that can make you a success story overnight. My advice to you: RUN AWAY FROM THESE TYPES OF GUYS AS FAST AS YOU CAN! They just want you to buy their products, which in many cases if not all of them, just doesn’t work or underdelivered. For the sake of your online business you need a honest mentor.

Before, I shared with you where I found not one, not two but more than enough mentors to learn from. I’ll tell you what qualities you need to look for in a mentor. Not all mentors are created equally but the ones I found are the best that you can get, when you are a beginner with nothing more than a dream…

Here are the 5 Qualities I believe make a great Mentor

  1. Self-Observation: A mentor need to look at itself first and foremost. He need to know why he did it. Why is as much important than How. Because the reasons that push him to start a online business will give you the hunger for more of his wisdom. The Why for most of webentrepreneurs is that they wanted to be their own BOSS. They insights on what work and what doesn’t will save you from innumerable pitfalls in your online business progress.
  2. Diplomacy: This is the art of dealing with webentrepreneurs in an effective way. For a beginner, having a mentor that understand that you don’t know certain things or are clueless about some technical term will help you feel less like a complete newbie. That negative feeling that beginners get when they get stuck often overwhelm them and keep them from pursuing theirs quest.
  3. Reputability: Before you put your trust, time and energy in a mentor. They most have some kind of rank or credit to their name as a mentor. They most have a resume of helping others archiving theirs goals.
  4. Knowledge: Here I am talking about wisdom of online business, he has to know how to teach or share his savoir-faire and also the mentor have to keep up with your progress. Answer yours questions with the right information and be up-to-date. Offer feedback and tell you what you doing wrong if that the case.
  5. Philanthropy Spirit: This is crucial. A great mentor, want you to live yours dreams. A great mentor should not be jealous of your success. He should congratulate you on yours victories and help you recover from defeats. His generosity should have no limit. Sharing with you the best info about tools and tricks that can get you ahead, should be his first intention when communicating with you.

Lets not forget that a mentor must believe in your potential and be supportive when time get rough. Having a mentor is definitely a must in this day and age, having a mentor that have the 5 qualities mentioned above will change your life for the better.


At this point, you are wondering where did I found mentors and yes this is mentors with a s, that have made me a successful webentrepreneur.

Without wasting your time any further…

Can you heard the drum roll? 😉

Kyle and Carson the co-founders of this wonderful platform that is, are the mentors, who have educated, trained and changed the life of some many (and still counting) webentrepreneurs. That would be a foolish decision not to give them a try. Plus you can learn the first steps of starting an online business free of charge!

Kyle and Carson are like I said the founders of WA. But they are no longer the only mentors inside WA. Theirs teaching have helped so many of us to become mentors for the news members of the community that once you joins and introduce yourself, any question you may have will be answered by a qualified person.

To start an online venture, you must learn how to do it with a solid foundation. You have to get access to qualified mentors who just want you to be where you want to be; in a comfortable position. Those mentors who populate the community of Wealthy Affiliate were once where you are right now. On the fence of going all in without looking back. Trust me on this one, you can dive into the sea of knowledge that being provide at Wealthy Affiliate and have a great return on the time invested.

Don’t waste anymore time and jump on the knowledge wagon of Follow the training without skipping any steps. Don’t be shy to ask questions or for some help when you get stuck. Take time to learn what you need to master. And you’ll be on your way to a bring future.

Solo Build It!