Category Archives: Motivation

Half way to 2016…

We now find ourselves on July 11, 2016, and I have a sneaking suspicion that a majority of you reading this have already conceded defeat to your yearly resolutions. I understand, maintaining motivation can be a challenging endeavor.

You’ve set specific goals for yourself. Perhaps you wanted to spend more quality time with your friends and family. Maybe you aimed to revel in the joys of life more, or to break free from the shackles of debt. Or you might have had the intention to set aside time to learn something new.

All these are commendable aspirations. However, achieving them would be an even more splendid triumph. The aforementioned objectives all revolve around the dual pillars of time and money. You yearn to dedicate more time to activities you love but lack the financial means to do so.

So, what’s the solution?

The solution lies within the World Wide Web. Or to be more precise, the solution is the internet itself. Thanks to the digital realm, your resolutions are not unattainable dreams anymore.

Take, for instance, the prospect of learning something new. This could be learning the art of making money online, or more specifically, the craft of internet marketing. Once you master this, you’ll find yourself walking the path towards financial freedom, thereby liberating yourself from your debts. This newfound freedom will enable you to truly savor life and spend invaluable time with your loved ones.

However, to realize these resolutions, maintaining motivation is essential.

Here’s my strategy to keep the motivation alive throughout the year. Firstly, I compile a list of all the resolutions I aspire to achieve in the forthcoming year, starting from the least challenging to the most arduous. Secondly, I reward myself with each accomplished goal by treating myself to a gift – something that will aid me in achieving my next objective. Lastly, I constantly remind myself that change is a gradual process.

Many of us have the ambition to out-earn our previous year’s income, which is perfectly fine. However, without a clear roadmap, it’s easy to lose your way.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can transform any passion into a thriving business, and you can do it without any financial burden, all thanks to the Starter Membership.

Affiliate Marketing is the Key to Achieving Financial Independence.

Are you reaping profits online yet? If your answer is no, what’s holding you back?

When you’re a novice in the realm of online money-making, and both time and money are constrained, you certainly don’t want to squander your precious resources on endeavors that yield no results.

In the quest to learn how to earn money online, it’s crucial not to trail behind a system that hasn’t stood the test of time. If time is on your side but funds are limited for accessing a reputable online marketing training platform, worry not – there are numerous free options available. But the question remains – which one is worth investing your time in?

The top recommendation from many prosperous online Entrepreneurs is undoubtedly Wealthy Affiliate.

Discover how to make money online with a tried-and-true system that has brought success to many. Operating an Online Business isn’t as daunting as it may seem, although it does necessitate a learning journey.

This is why you should exercise wisdom in selecting an online training platform to sign up with, to establish a robust online business.

Everyone yearns to learn how to earn money online. However, many fail to grasp that the anticipated results may not materialize immediately upon implementing what you’ve learned. Patience is an indispensable virtue here.

The most straightforward way to earn money online is through Affiliate Marketing, but given the rising number of individuals pursuing the Solopreneur Lifestyle, it’s beneficial to incorporate tactics from SEO and PPC Marketing to maintain a competitive edge.

Building an email list is another essential aspect not to overlook. If you’re not aware of the adage “the money is in the list,” your online marketing journey could be a long and arduous one.

Networking also holds significant importance. It’s vital to interact with individuals who possess a success-oriented mindset in their online ventures and who can share valuable tips that can be applied for your own advantage.

Having all the necessary tools under one roof is incredibly convenient, such as:

  • An in-house domain registrar
  • The beginner-friendly website builder, Siterubix for WordPress
  • Hosting that offers superior protection against Spam, hacking, malware, and bot-net attacks
  • 24/7 Technical support
  • Constructive feedback on your hard work and progress from members of the WA family

With Wealthy Affiliate, you have the opportunity to Earn while you Learn.

There aren’t many training platforms that offer the value that Wealthy Affiliate does, and you can access it entirely free of charge.

However, it’s important to remember that while Wealthy Affiliate provides an excellent platform, the journey to success is largely dependent on your own efforts. Consistency and dedication are key to making the most out of the opportunities that come your way. Online marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but a business that requires planning, strategy, and daily action.

Moreover, while the learning curve in online marketing might be steep for some, it’s essential to not let this discourage you. Every expert was once a beginner, and with the right mindset and resources, you too can become proficient at online marketing. Remember, the only way to fail is to quit.

Finally, it’s important to embrace the journey. Learning new skills, overcoming challenges, and seeing your business grow from scratch can be incredibly rewarding. Whether it’s making your first sale, reaching a traffic milestone, or simply getting a positive comment on your blog post, each small victory is a step towards your larger goal of financial freedom.

In conclusion, making money online is a viable and potentially lucrative endeavor for those willing to put in the effort. With the right training, tools, and mindset, anyone can succeed in this exciting and ever-evolving world of online business.

Discipline is what you need right now


I obtain this image at Wikimedia

Online commerce, will take as much time and even more that you have. The more energy you spend on getting things done, better results will come your way.

You have a responsibility to work smarter, not harder.

Start by making a plan of what you’ll do for the next seven days. Do the hardest work a priority. The first three days should be more than enough to make the most difficult tasks. Easier activities should be divided over the next three days and the last and seventh day should be dedicated to planning next week.

Take more breaks. Make a work stoppage for fifteen minutes. This allows the brain and body to recover. A 15 minutes break helps sharpen his senses. Take a break after every 90 minutes of work.

Limit your goals. Do not try to do several tasks at once. Choose one thing to work and accomplish that.

Make a list of things not to do. This will keep you focused on the essential things. A list of things of not to do prevent you from procrastinating.

In one day, you and I, we have 24 hours. Of these 24 hours we need at least 8 to sleep. So we are left with 16. Of these 16 hours, half must be devoted to the work required to run your online business. The other half must be assigned to the preparation of meals, maintenance of the house, walking the dog (if you have one), washing, etc. Which means you need to use your valuable time effectively. We all have 86,000 seconds in a day. How will you use them?

Build your online business intelligently. By being transparent. By being clear about the operation of your business, nothing should be hidden. Be accessible. Be active on social networks. Answer all the questions and comments of your visitors (potential customers) in the shortest possible time. Be attentive to your online business. Whatever the problem, you must adjust without delay. Sincerity must breathe through your business. You must be authentic. By being all that your business will flourish and your name will be reliable over time in your niche.

Avoid distractions at all costs. Distractions come from everywhere. To avoid this, is what to do. Keeping in mind your vision, yours goals. Stay focus. Do not lose sight of the original goal. What prompted you to start your own business. Investigate on yourself. This will not be easy but still made the effort. Make the effort to ask yourself when you are distracted: “What’s really going on? Or what is the source of my distraction?” The following works fine for me. The music in my headphones. When it’s time to work on my online business ( I listen to inspiring music. Give yourself a reward every time you have gotten a goal.

You need a platform to launch your online business. A platform that knows success and is trustworthy.

Use an online education platform as Wealthy Affiliate University which offers top notch tools and online support.

Devote 100% of yourself on how to make money online with your business. Concentrate on the WAU system and nothing else. It has proven to help entrepreneurs and I guarantee your success if you follow the training.

Each day, the majority of your time should be devoted to decision making. Once the decision takenTake action!!!

In business time is money. Waste your time with procrastination and your dreams of wealth will remain only dreams.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Do not be shy leave me a comment below.

Surely Kyle and Carson are by far the most fantabulous mentors to learn from

Kyle and Carson

 Teach: how to impart knowledge

Kyle and Carson, the founders of the online university Wealthy Affiliate, are not of this world. They come from another planet and she’s called Knowledge.

How they arrived among us, I do not know. But I’m glad they are here. These aliens have come from afar to share their knowledge with us.

But seriously, these guys know a lot about online marketing. Their knowledge in this field make them extraordinary beings and that they share their knowledge makes them admirable.

But what does Kyle and Carson have that make them fantabulous mentors, you ask?

They are responsible. They are responsible for the success of their students inside Wealthy Affiliate University. Believe me stories of successful people in the field of online marketing, there are some new each week and Kyle and Carson are directly responsible.

These mentors are versatile. You know it like me, the internet is constantly changing. Despite these changes, these fantabulous mentors have adapted themselves. Their education did not suffer from upheavals internet has undergone in recent years. Future changes will not affect the lessons at WAU because Kyle and Carson monitor for us these metamorphoses and adjust their lessons.

A Wealthy Affiliate University, Kyle and Carson take care of their members. They make extra efforts to ensure that all can fulfill they dreams.

These teachers who are the founders of WAU are extremely compassionate. They know we do not all have the same background regarding computer skill. But their lessons are made that once assimilated you will feel like a genius.

These very wealthy affiliates, are very cooperative. They have all the skills required to attend each of their students. Just ask them a question and the answer will come.

K & C are able to create tutorials that are both unique and dynamic. These internet designers have the ability to grab the attention of their members and encourage them to ask for more.

These guys are exceptionally committed to the success of their members. The proof is that they have put in place the best keywords research platform : Jaaxy. This kind of dedication you will find nowhere else on the web.

Determined to see you succeed, they are. Kyle and Carson are doing everything in their power so each member can achieve their goals with their websites regardless of the niche in which they are in.

Kyle and Carson are empathetic. Which means they are sensitive to the difficulties that their members might encounter during their learning. They are empathetic because they too were in your shoes in their infancy in online marketing.

They are engaging, because of their ability to make each of their lessons fun, fresh and effective. After each lesson you just want to discover the next one.

These guides and wise trusted advisers, are the vanguard of evolution that underwent the Internet. Continually improving their teaching members of WAU are the one who gain from it.

Generous is a word that adequately describes Kyle and Carson. Not only for the generosity they show us with Wealthy Affiliate University and Jaaxy. But also by offering us quality products like: Who Loves Money, Inside The List and Beating Adwords. It seems that their generosity has no limits!

These kind affiliates are a huge source of inspiration. They have the ability to motivate their students. To make them believe in their abilities to become success stories. This will serve to any individual throughout his life.

Kyle and Carson bring joy.

These mentors have fantabulous passion for making money online and they transmit this passion to their members daily.

Ingenious they are. For over a decade the co-founders of WAU transformed and adapted their platform in the wind. Because of their past, the future looks very promising.

In summary, Kyle and Carson are prepared, organized, they are fantabulous mentors who continue to learn. They adapt, they evolve and are proactive. K & C are very active in the community which is WAU. They are available on social networks. They inspire, they are compassionate and go beyond of what is expected from them.

Through all this there is no doubt that Kyle and Carson like to help their members.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave me a comment below.


Hold onto your dreams and never give up

hold onto your dreams and never give upYou and me, I am sure we are the same. We have dreams we want to achieve before it is too late. Whether large, small or medium these dreams we have them at heart. We want to achieve them in small, medium or long term. I‘m sure one of those dreams close to your heart, it is to achieve financial freedom. To have no more debt. Be free. Speaking of being free here is another dream that we probably share; travel wherever and whenever we want. See the world, get to know new culture. Learning another language. Here is a dream on a smaller scale but which I believe touches several among you. To be able to afford a smart TV. Who does not dream of being able to watch a football game on a big screen in his living room, not you? Or again who does not dream of being able to afford the car of his dreams?

All of those dreams are beautiful. But achieving or accomplishing these dreams would be wonderful. There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment. But between you and your goal are standing obstacles we called fear, doubt and uncertainty. Overcoming these obstacles will be a daunting task.

The point here is not to give up. Especially not to be impressed by the scale of the task that stand in front of you.

To live these dreams of financial freedom, traveling the world, giant-screen TVs and luxury car. We must make concrete action. One of these actions would be to learn online marketing.

Because online marketing is the solution to achieve yours dreams even the ones who seem to be the more crazy. Online marketing can help you break the chains of debt, help you plan your next trip around the world and so on.

Before making any moves whatsoever. You have to ask questions and find answers. With these answers you can take actions with results that will bring you closer to your dreams.

Question :

In your opinion, is it better to dream all his life or achieving one of his dreams in the space of a life?

For me, online marketing allowed me to realize my most important dream. Becoming my own boss. Not depend on a job anymore to support myself. Work from my home. Have more time for me.

Online marketing can do the same for you and even more.

You want to achieve your dreams? Achieve specific objectives?

My advice to you is to learn online marketing.

The alternative, in my opinion would be to invest in a franchise. But it takes a much greater investment and requires more attention. Also, you have to share your profits with the head office.

I will ask you a series of questions about your dreams and goals you want to achieve. And on why you do not do online marketing to achieve your dreams and goals. I want you to write the answers on a sheet of paper that you will kept carefully. This sheet will be your motivation guide and will gets you closer to your dreams.

Question #1

For starters, why do you pursue that dream and have you made any actions whatsoever so far?

Question #2

Why don’t you learn internet marketing to pursue your dream? Do you have access to too many opportunities or do you have access to too much information?

Question #3

Is your dream specific? Is your dream measurable? Is your dream attainable? Is your dream possible? At the point where you are, this dream is it worth the effort?

Question #4

Let dramatize a bit. What is the worst thing that could happen if you do not realize your dream?

Question #5

Are you afraid to fail or to succeed?

Question #6

Until now if you have put any action to get closer to your dreams. These actions were they placed under the influence of emotion or they were first thoughtful?

Question #7

This happened to me and will certainly happen to you too. Wanting to give up. Would you be able to explain to a friend or family member why you dropped everything?

Question #8

You want to live your dream, right? Would your life be better if you give up your project?

Question #9

How much have you invested in your dream, in term of money, time and energy?

Last Question

Invert the roles for a brief moment. If one of your friends was in your situation. What advice would you give him/her?

This was the questions I asked myself before I realized that online marketing was the solution to achieve my dream. Becoming my own boss.

In conclusion, I would like to leave you with these words:

Do not give up your dreams especially for the sole reason of the time it will take to accomplish them. Because this time will pass under your nose one way or another.

Leave me a comment if you enjoyed reading this.

Embrace Your Journey: The Road to Online Success Begins Now!

If you find yourself at the beginning of your online money-making journey, you’re not alone. Picture this: you’re standing before a mountain, seemingly insurmountable. But here’s the keyword: “seems.” This mountain is conquerable. Many have succeeded before you, and many more will after you. It all boils down to preparation, to arm yourself with the right climbing tools.

One indispensable tool in your kit is patience. Patience to learn, execute, correct mistakes, and progress on your path. It demands discipline, but let me assure you, it’s not impossible. I’m just an ordinary person with an unyielding desire to succeed – a sentiment I believe resides in everyone venturing into the world of online income. We crave success because we know it’s within reach.

However, to tread a path less traveled, one that leads to the extraordinary, you must be prepared to make efforts that others often shy away from. Do you see what I mean? The road to success isn’t a well-paved highway; it’s a less-trodden trail.

Time is a crucial factor. Regardless of your current financial situation, you want your efforts to yield results in the short or medium term; otherwise, you might be tempted by the next miracle product. But here’s the real miracle product that works: Wealthy Affiliate University.

With WAU, it’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter. You save time and even earn a few extra dollars in the process. If I could offer one piece of advice to anyone aspiring to make money online, it’s to follow the Wealthy Affiliate training diligently without wasting a moment.

Patience is required, and time is of the essence. Learning takes time. And you know what else consumes a lot of time? Television. Consider sacrificing the hours spent watching TV and invest that time in Wealthy Affiliate University. You’ll soon discover that your time can be better spent, yielding far greater returns than the entertainment on your screen.

Give Wealthy Affiliate University a chance to guide you on the path to success in making money online – just one chance. The time you invest in WA today will not only save you time in the future but also empower you to use your time more wisely.

Work harder, Play later.

work harder play laterYou are probably at your first steps into the world of making money online. Believe me, I know what it is. You are in front of a mountain and seems insurmountable. But the key word here is “seems”. This mountain is surmountable. The proof, many before you have been successful and after you many will still succeed. It’s all a matter of preparation. You must arm yourself with good climbing tools.

One of these good tools is patience. Have patience to learn, then execute, correct his mistakes and move forward in its path. It takes discipline but it is not impossible, you can do it. I have nothing special to be honest, I’m a regular guy but with an untameable desire to succeed. What I believe inhabits each of us who want to make money on the internet. We want to succeed because we know it is possible.

But to go where few have been gone we’ll have to take a path that a lot have never taken. You see what I mean? The road to success is not a highway. Few people take it.

And to take a path that rarelly use, we must make efforts, that has rarely been done.

The time here is a factor. Regardless of your financial situation, you want your efforts to pay on short or medium term or you’ll go to the next miracle product. But here you have a miracle product that works and is called Wealthy Affiliate University.

With WAU you do not work harder but you work more intelligently. You gain time and a few dollars in the process. If I had one piece of advice for anyone wanting to make money on the web is to take the training at Wealthy Affiliate to the letter without wasting time.

It takes patience and also time. To learn. And one thing that takes a lot of time, it’s television. You must sacrifice the time you waste watching TV. And invest this time in Wealthy Affiliate University. You will see that in time you can do better with your time than watching television. Give a chance to WAU to show you how to succeed in making money, just one.

The time invested in WA today will save you lots of time in the future to do what you want.