Category Archives: Time

Blogging is a Lifestyle

Blogging as a Lifestyle

Embracing blogging as a lifestyle means committing to consistent content creation, engaging with your audience, and continuously learning how to do blogging effectively. It’s not just about writing posts; it’s about creating a brand and a community around your blog.

Financial Freedom Through Blogging

Financial freedom through blogging is about creating passive income streams that allow you to live without the need for a traditional 9-to-5 job. This could involve:

  • Diversifying Income: Having multiple revenue streams from your blog, such as ads, affiliate marketing, and product sales, can lead to a more stable income.
  • Saving and Investing: By saving a significant portion of your blogging income and investing wisely, you can grow your wealth over time.
  • Learning from Others: Following FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) blogs can provide practical advice and inspiration for your financial journey.

Tips for Aspiring Bloggers

For those starting, here are some final tips:

  • Start with the Right Platform: Choose a blogging platform that aligns with your goals, whether it’s for ease of use, customization, or monetization.
  • Understand the Commitment: Realize that blogging is a lifestyle that requires dedication and hard work.
  • Learn and Adapt: Stay informed about the latest trends in blogging and adapt your strategies accordingly.
  • Plan for the Long Term: Financial freedom won’t happen overnight. Plan and execute your blogging and financial strategies with a long-term perspective.

By understanding these key points and strategically applying them, you can work towards achieving financial freedom through the blogging lifestyle.

-John Calvin Coolidges

Decoding Affiliate Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

A Story of Strategy and Focus

Imagine this: A father, in a galaxy far, far away, tells his son, “Son, you’re going to marry the girl I’ve chosen for you.” The son, a millennial, responds, “No way, Dad, you’re crazy!” But when the father reveals that the girl is Bill Gates’ daughter, the son quickly changes his tune.

The father then calls up Bill Gates, proposing the marriage between their children. Bill Gates initially refuses, but when the father mentions that his son is the CEO of the World Bank and soon-to-be president, Gates agrees to discuss the details.

Next, the father contacts the president of the World Bank, insisting that his son be made CEO. The president dismisses him as crazy, but when the father mentions that his son is Bill Gates’s son-in-law, the president agrees to arrange everything.

The Power of Affiliate Marketing

This story, while humorous, illustrates the power of strategy, focus, and the ability to leverage relationships and opportunities. It’s a perfect metaphor for affiliate marketing.

In affiliate marketing, just like in our story, it doesn’t matter how big or audacious your dream is. What matters is focusing on one thing at a time. All successful marketers in the Internet Marketing (IM) space do exactly that. They don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Instead, they follow proven strategies until they master them. Only then do they explore new opportunities to expand their positions.

The Importance of Focus

It’s easy to get sidetracked in our ever-evolving industry. But to maintain focus, you need to learn the skills within one system, take action, and follow through on your “oneness.” Remember, imperfect action is better than no action and wins every time.

Affiliate marketing is all about promoting and selling other people’s products and services. It’s a singular activity, and it’s an industry that’s expanding exponentially as more businesses recognize it as a viable way to gain and grow market share.

Creating Value in a Sunrise Industry

Like all businesses, affiliate marketing is about mutual benefit. It’s about solving people’s problems and getting paid for it. As marketers, we’re at the apex, the pivotal point between the seller and the buyer.

The father in our story had a vision, a focus, and defined outcomes. He knew what he was about. Do you?

Shifting from Buyer to Seller Mindset

One of the hardest transitions to make in this industry is shifting from a buyer’s to a seller’s mindset. It takes time to ingrain this into your being. Once we cross that bridge, things start to fall into place. We can start creating our vision, focusing, and getting our game plan together. More importantly, we start taking action to achieve our outcomes.

It’s Not About You

One of the biggest traps marketers can fall into is thinking that the game is all about them. But one of the pivotal realizations can be that it’s not about you. When we change our focus to include the product creators and service providers, it can create a seismic shift in our whole marketing strategy.

Stay Focused

The most important thing as marketers is that we stay focused on one thing and one thing at a time. That in itself can be a game changer.

As for the wedding in our story? Don’t worry, the invitations are in the mail.

Embrace Your Dreams: A Journey to Achieving the Extraordinary

You and I, kindred spirits on the same path, share dreams that pulse within us, urging us to make them a reality before time slips away. These dreams, whether grand or humble, are etched in our hearts, awaiting fulfillment in the short, medium, or long term.

I’m willing to bet that nestled among these aspirations is the longing for financial freedom — a life unshackled from the chains of debt. The desire to break free. And let’s not forget another shared dream: the freedom to travel, explore the world, immerse ourselves in diverse cultures, and perhaps pick up a new language along the way. On a more immediate scale, who hasn’t yearned to indulge in the luxury of a smart TV? Picture it: the exhilaration of watching a thrilling football match on a screen that transforms your living room into a stadium. Can you feel it too?

These dreams are not just beautiful; their realization would be nothing short of extraordinary. The sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving them is unparalleled. Yet, standing tall between you and these aspirations are formidable adversaries: fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Overcoming these challenges may seem like an arduous task, but remember, the key is to persevere, refusing to be daunted by the enormity of the journey.

To turn these dreams into tangible reality — whether it’s financial freedom, global adventures, cutting-edge entertainment systems, or the luxury car of your dreams — concrete action is required. A pivotal step in this journey is to delve into the dynamic realm of online marketing.

Why online marketing?

Because it holds the key to unlocking even the most audacious dreams. It’s the force that can shatter the chains of debt, pave the way for your global adventures, and so much more.

Before you take any leaps, start by asking questions and seeking answers. Armed with this knowledge, you can take intentional actions that propel you closer to your dreams.

Question #1:

Why do you pursue your dream, and have you taken any concrete actions toward it?

Question #2:

Why haven’t you explored internet marketing to pursue your dream? Is it an abundance of opportunities, or is information overload holding you back?

Question #3:

Is your dream specific, measurable, attainable, and possible? At this juncture, is it worth the effort?

Question #4:

Let’s delve into the dramatic — what is the worst that could happen if your dream remains unrealized?

Question #5:

Are you held back by a fear of failure, or is it the fear of stepping into the uncharted territory of success?

Question #6:

If you’ve taken actions toward your dreams, were they propelled by emotion, or were they meticulously planned?

Question #7:

In those moments when the temptation to give up looms large, could you articulate to a friend or family member why you’re considering abandoning your pursuit?

Consider the Alternative:

If online marketing seems like a significant commitment, consider the alternatives. Traditional paths may require substantial investments, such as franchising. Yet, these avenues demand more attention and entail profit-sharing with a central office. Online marketing, on the other hand, offers a cost-effective and autonomous route to realizing your dreams.

Your Personal Motivation Guide:

I invite you to embark on a self-discovery journey. Answering the questions posed earlier isn’t merely an exercise; it’s a creation of your personal motivation guide. Pen down your responses on a sheet of paper, nurturing a document that becomes a beacon guiding you toward your dreams.

Reflecting on Progress:

As you progress on this journey, reflect on the strides you’ve made. For me, online marketing was the catalyst that allowed me to accomplish my most profound dream — becoming my boss. This avenue provided the freedom to untether myself from a conventional job, enabling me to work from home and reclaim more time for myself.

Unveiling the Power of Online Marketing:

Online marketing isn’t merely a tool; it’s a powerhouse capable of transforming aspirations into tangible achievements. It’s the conduit through which dreams of financial freedom, globetrotting adventures, and beyond can materialize.

Seize the Opportunity: Join Wealthy Affiliate

If you’re ready to take the leap into online marketing and unlock the doors to your dreams, there’s no better place to start than Wealthy Affiliate. It’s not just an affiliate marketing platform; it’s a community that supports and guides you every step of the way. With Wealthy Affiliate, you gain access to a wealth of resources, training, and a community that shares your dreams. Join now, and let the journey to your extraordinary life begin.

Do Not Let Time Slip Away!!

In conclusion, I implore you not to relinquish your dreams solely due to the perceived time it will take to achieve them. Time is an elusive force, slipping through our fingers whether we act or not. Online marketing, especially with the supportive community of Wealthy Affiliate, has the potential to breathe life into your dreams, turning them from distant aspirations into present realities.

Seize Your Future:

The journey ahead may be challenging, but it’s also filled with unparalleled rewards. Seize your future, break free from the chains that bind you, and let online marketing, with the guidance of Wealthy Affiliate, be your guiding light toward the extraordinary life you envision.

All successful webentreprenneurs wake up early, its a well-known fact

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The sunrise is a beautiful sight that Mother Nature offer us every morning and everyone should attend. 

If you are a webentrepreneur and if you seek success. Your first task should be, to wake up early, everyday. The early bird get the worm. If you don’t understand the meaning of that sentence you got a lot to learn. For those of you who do understand the meaning of that sentence and are struggling to wake up early I will share with you in a moment my trick to become a morning person.

But first, lets look at the benefits of waking up early. You already know that we have a set of hours in the day. It’s the same for everybody, 24 hours. Out of those 24 hours its very important that you manage your time so you can do what got to be done, correctly.

Benefit #1

As a webentrepreneur there are things that you need to learn to be able to execute them and get to the next level. He as being proven that students who are morning people earn better grade than other students. By waking up early, you have an edge over others webentrepreneurs to earn knowledge and apply it to your business and move on.

Benefit #2

By being an early riser, you become more proactive. Meaning that you take action and this is very important. They are so many people who doesn’t take action who just wait for something to happen and missed opportunities that they later regret. Getting up early also give you a sense of being in charge of your future.

Benefit #3

Webentrepreneurs who wake up with the sun, are able to face problems with a good attitude. Lets face it, problems will occurs during your journey, no doubts about that. But with the right mindset you can overcome them efficiently.

Benefit #4

During the quiet time of the morning, you can plan your day, your week and weekend. Organization demand quality quiet time, so you can plan which goal you need to reach first.

Benefit #5

You can exercise. Many people don’t exercise and their excuses is that they don’t have enough time to do it. Business people who exercise find themselves being more productive during the day and are more pleasant to be around.

Benefit #6

You become more optimistic. And this is a key factor in many cases of people who experience success. Being positive and hopeful give you an advantage on people who are pessimistic.

Benefit #7

By being an early riser, you will experience much better quality sleep. Its not the quantity but the quality of a good night sleep that is important and most people don’t need more than 6 hours of sleep to be efficient during the day.

Now that you know the benefits of waking up early for a webentrepreneur, let’s look at ways you can become a morning person for the sake of your business.

If you are a little intuitive, you probably know that what I am going to tell you is that to be an early riser you have to have a good night sleep and in order to do that you have to go to bed early. Reading a book before going to bed can help you have a good night sleep but no reading tablet or smartphone or even TV before bedtime.

But when the morning is knocking on the door…

To avoid the snooze syndrome, which is to hit the alarm clock every ten minutes, put the alarm clock across your room so that you will have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you are out of bed go directly to the bathroom and put some cold water of your face. This will help you to wake up. Meditate for 5 minutes can help develop focus. Start the day with a coffee, I take mine black, no sugar no milk.

Well this is it for this post, I hope that for now on you will be more likely to become a morning person. Enjoy your journey as a webentrepreneur and have success.

If you like this article, please share it with someone you know.

Take Action Now – Only if time matter to you

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If time matter to you and you don’t like to waste it. The best thing you can do is to use your time wisely. Making money is a wise thing to do. Right now, think about what you can do to use your time to make money online. If you don’t know where to start, the best advice I can give you is to learn from someone who making money online as of you reading this, right now.

Learning to make money online can look at first like a very big task. But right now you can do it or you cannot, the choice is your. But learning is the first step. To make money online you have to LEARN HOW to make money online, first.

And if you believe you can invest time to learn how to make money online, the best thing I could do is to point you to the right direction.

I will direct you in the direction where knowledge about starting an online business is being taught. If you are ready to learn, you can find the best teachers about making a living online at

Making money online is a lifestyle and its only available for those who are ready to spend they time to lives by its rules.

In theory, if you are ready to learn and willing to do whatever it take to live a lifestyle you be comfortable in. The best thing you can do is to take action now.

First step: Learn.

Second step: Apply what you learn. is where you should do the first step.

Stop wasting time because you know it like I do, time is money. And I’m sure you don’t like wasting money. So act now. Take action, start learning.

The quality of knowledge being taught at as pleased many people around the world. You can be a success story too. But first you have to commit to yourself that you can do this. Anybody can make a living online. Just make the effort of taking action now.

Unleash Your Online Entrepreneurial Potential with Wealthy Affiliate’s Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started Level 1

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards financial independence and success? Look no further than the Wealthy Affiliate’s Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started Level 1. This 5-lesson course is your first step towards realizing your potential as an online business owner.

Why Choose Wealthy Affiliate’s Online Entrepreneur Certification?

This course is designed to walk you through the steps of creating a successful online business that generates revenue. It’s not just about theory; it’s about practical, actionable steps that you can start implementing right away.

You’ll learn how to get “immersed” in the vibrant community at Wealthy Affiliate, create and start working towards a list of new financial and non-financial goals, and choose your starting point niche for your business. You’ll also discover the process of earning revenue online and gain instant access to over 590,000 niches.

Build Your Own Niche Website

One of the key benefits of this course is that it allows you to build your very own niche website. This is a crucial step in establishing your online presence and starting your journey towards financial success.

Comprehensive Learning Outcomes

The course is designed to provide you with comprehensive learning outcomes. You’ll not only learn the basics of online entrepreneurship but also delve into more advanced topics such as generating traffic, making money from your website, mastering social engagement, and achieving maximum success through content creation.

Proven Success

Wealthy Affiliate’s Online Entrepreneur Certification program has a proven track record of success. It has helped countless individuals create successful online businesses, and it can do the same for you.

Affordable Pricing

The course offers affordable pricing options, making it accessible to everyone. You can start with the Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership, which allows you to try out the platform without paying a dime. This includes Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneurship Certification course, hosting and subdomain for 1 website, and access to community support channels.

Join the Wealthy Affiliate Community Today

Joining Wealthy Affiliate is easy. Simply head on over to and start your journey towards online entrepreneurial success.

Remember, the greatest online course in the world will be a failure without a strong market. But with Wealthy Affiliate’s Online Entrepreneur Certification, you’re not just getting a course; you’re getting a community, a platform, and a proven system for success.

So, are you ready to take the first step towards your online entrepreneurial journey? Sign up for Wealthy Affiliate’s Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started Level 1 today and start building your successful online business.

Click Here To Get Started

Happy New Year 2017 to all internet marketers (veterans and beginners) around the world

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My best wishes for happiness and success in business for 2017.

I know it has been a while since I have contributed to my website. But that was for good reason.

For the next year, I want to reassure you. I will share with you all the tools and books I have read so I can finally generate income that allowed me to make 9-5 an ancient story.

In 2017, thanks to my recommendations and advice, you will be able to say “Bye bye” to your job and say “Hello” to your new entrepreneurial life.

You will finally be able to enjoy life. But before achieving this ultimate goal, it will take a lot of effort, time and determination.

But with the tools and information that I will share with you dear readers. In the days, weeks and months ahead, your efforts will be less difficult to do, you will save a very precious time and build a steady and consistent income.

Your success can be found at

For the last time, Happy New Year 2017, friends.

Unveiling Jaaxy: Your Ultimate SEO Companion

In the vast digital landscape where success is often determined by visibility, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Jaaxy, not just a keyword tool, but a game-changer in the realm of SEO.

Understanding Jaaxy’s Roots

Jaaxy isn’t just any keyword tool; it’s the brainchild of the developers behind Wealthy Affiliate University, a testament to its pedigree in the world of online success. Unlike traditional keyword tools, Jaaxy offers a unique platform that eliminates the need for downloads, providing all the information you need seamlessly.

Unlocking the Power of Jaaxy

One of Jaaxy’s standout features is its ability to reveal the keywords your competition is using. Imagine having the key to adapting your content, using synonyms, and more, to skyrocket your traffic over time. It’s not just information; it’s pure gold for anyone aiming to dominate their niche.

Unveiling Hidden Niches with Ease

Beyond keyword searches, Jaaxy empowers users to explore niches that are often overlooked. Discovering these hidden gems can position you as an industry reference, setting you on a path to substantial financial gains by monopolizing these niches.

Essential Focus: Monthly Searches and QSR

Two critical elements set Jaaxy apart: average monthly searches and QSR (Quote Search Results). Pay attention to the monthly search volume — higher numbers are better. Keep your eyes on the QSR; a count of 300 or less is excellent. Armed with this information, you’ll have a competitive edge when creating content or selecting your next domain.

Up-to-Date Information Matters

While many keyword tools rely on outdated databases, Jaaxy sets itself apart by being updated daily. It gathers information from all search engines, not just Google, providing a comprehensive and reliable resource for bloggers, online marketers, and domain flippers.

A Lucrative Opportunity: Jaaxy’s Affiliate Program

What adds to Jaaxy’s appeal is its affiliate program. For just $19/month, you not only get access to this powerful tool but also have the chance to earn. With each referral, Jaaxy rewards you with $8/month. It might not seem like much, but imagine having Jaaxy pay for itself and putting extra dollars in your pocket.

Try Before You Commit

Jaaxy understands the value it brings, offering a chance to try it out with 30 free searches. But here’s a secret: with minimal effort, you can increase this limit. Simply introduce Jaaxy to your network, and for every referral, receive an additional 10 searches. Ten referrals? That’s an extra 100 searches – not too shabby, right?

Conclusion: Your SEO Journey Starts with Jaaxy

In conclusion, Jaaxy stands as the world leader in keyword research. It’s not just a tool; it’s your gateway to discovering and monopolizing new niches. Stay ahead of the competition with Jaaxy, the choice of bloggers, online marketers, and domain flippers looking to crush it in their respective fields. Don’t waste time; leverage Jaaxy for 30 free searches and more through referrals.

Your SEO journey starts here.

Unleashing the Power of the Digital Economy: A Guide to Kickstart Your Online Income

Venture forth into the exhilarating world of digital wealth creation, but before you dive headfirst, take a moment to reflect. Ask yourself, “What drives my desire to tap into the online income streams?” Is it to bolster your current income, replace it entirely, or simply cherish the freedom and flexibility of working from wherever you please? Once you identify your ‘why,’ let it fuel your determination because believe me, you’ll need it!

Generating a steady income online isn’t a walk in the park; it’s more akin to navigating through a maze, potentially leaving you disoriented without proper guidance. The journey can be fraught with experimentation and setbacks, and the last thing you want is to watch your time and money evaporate.

As a seasoned explorer of this intriguing digital landscape, I’ve unearthed two potent sources of online income. The first is domain flipping, a savvy game of trading website domains for profit. The second, slightly more intricate, is online marketing. It’s an art that requires turning your passions into a website theme, optimizing it for search engine visibility, attracting traffic, and eventually converting visitors into customers. It might seem easy on paper, but the execution can be a hurdle if you don’t know how to jumpstart.

As a greenhorn in the domain-flipping world, I embarked on my journey without any mentorship. My learning curve was sharp, and heavily reliant on blogs and forums riddled with outdated information. It was a whirlwind of trial and error, of losing and making money simultaneously. Despite the rocky ride, my tenacious resolve transformed domain flipping into a steady and respectable income stream month after month.

When I ventured into internet marketing in 2006, I was traversing unknown territory. I burnt my fingers on several products that turned out to be scams, losing more money than I care to admit. However, after a considerable financial setback, a glimmer of hope surfaced when I came across an advertisement for Wealthy Affiliate. Since that serendipitous click, internet marketing has been a gratifying and exhilarating journey. Thanks to Kyle and Carson’s insightful tutorials and videos, I was never left in the dark.

Wealthy Affiliate University (WAU) is more than an online education hub; it’s a professional community committed to your success in the digital money-making world. They’re revolutionizing the future of e-learning, offering one of the most affordable online courses tailored to teach you the art of online wealth creation. For just $49/month, you get personal coaching, access to a wealth of knowledge, outstanding technical support for you and your websites, and much more.

In the Online Entrepreneur Certification, the first of five levels, you’ll gain an all-encompassing understanding of generating online income. You’ll learn how to pick a niche that resonates with your interests, build your first website, and much more – all for free, under the Starter Membership at WAU which comes with two complimentary websites.

Who is Wealthy Affiliate Tailored For?

  • Learners at every stage of their journey
  • Retirees looking for an additional income
  • Jobless individuals seeking income
  • Homemakers and stay-at-home parents
  • Those unhappy with their current job

Who Might Not Find Wealthy Affiliate a Good Fit?

  • Individuals seeking instant success
  • Those expecting to strike gold overnight

In a nutshell, Wealthy Affiliate University is your golden ticket to online prosperity. No other digital learning platform offers what WA does. With Wealthy Affiliate, you’re in expert hands. You can learn how to generate income from anywhere, on your terms. It doesn’t get any better than this! Click the banner below to kickstart your online marketing journey.